

The best wedding proposal to beauty

WYCON Franchising

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wycon franchising


Italiana made brand

wycon franchising

Brand with strong growth

+20% of store turnover in 2018

wycon franchising

N°1 in Italy

leading cosmetic franchising project with over 200 stores

wycon franchising

Growing beauty market

+4% up to 14 billion euro*

*Source Cosmetica Italia

wycon franchising

Successful single-brand channel

In 2015, 50% of consumers*

Stated that the crisis prompted them to buy cosmetics through channels with better value for money

wycon franchising

Current market position

In 2015, 40% of the customers*

Stated that they bought more brand name cosmetic products, since they cost less and are of good quality

wycon franchising

Average consumption of cosmetics on the rise +27,5%

stated that they spent more in 2015*

*Source Beauty Report 2015 Pambianco